
Provide pilots with a safe and accurate glide slope on final approach to the runway. Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPIs) use a row of Light Housing Assemblies (LHAs) placed perpendicular to the runway approach path. Pilots can easily determine if their approach is too high, too low, or correctly on slope through combinations of red and white lights. The Airogenics  PAPI/APAPI is available in three basic models with multiple configuration options to exceed ICAO, FAA, and STANAG requirements.
  • Lightweight, compact, and self-contained design
  • Portable or fixed installation options; no specialized work crews required
  • Includes energy efficient solar power engine or A/C power
  • Option for visible/IR light
  • Option for RF control from air, tower, or ground
  • Suitable for permanent, temporary, and emergency airfields as well as military and NVG operations
  • Fully integrated with all Airogenics   airfield lighting products
For more information contact us at or call us at 1-30-789-2255 or 1-571-275-0943 or send us an email to
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