Aviation and Aerospace Career Resources

The aerospace and aviation industry offers a multitude of challenging careers for pilots, engineers, scientists, mechanics, teachers, researchers, designers and other professionals. Aviation-related opportunities abound in manufacturing, air traffic control, air safety, sales, search and rescue, agriculture, government jobs, technology companies and in the legal and political arenas. The career resource materials offered here are available directly from Airogenics members

For information call us at 1-301-789-2255 or 1-571-275-0943 or send us an email to careers@airogenics.com or submit your request below.

Teaching Resources
Aviation and space study is a highly motivational subject area for children. The wonders of flight along with the exciting achievements being made challenge one’s imagination. Teachers who use aviation/space education in their classes can favorably influence large numbers of students over a long period of time. And enthusiastic young people tend to have a multiplier effect as they actively share their interest in aviation with family and friends. Aviation activities used in the classroom or for clubs or youth groups can serve as a catalyst to motivate young adults to seek careers in the industry. The teaching resource material or any other related information can be requested from Airogenics.

For information call us at 1-301-789-2255 or 1-571-275-0943 or send us an email to careers@airogenics.com or submit your request below.

For more information contact us at Airogenics.com or call us at 1-30-789-2255 or 1-571-275-0943 or send us an email to an@airogenics.com.
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